Utah's Mighty 5

I can't think of a National Park that I've ever been to that I've thought anything other than; "Well yeah. I don't wonder why this is a national park." Utah's five national parks are no exception. Each is amazing in it's own unique way.

I am still adding the photo galleries for each park. Please check back for updates. 

Arches NP

Arches is well, Arches. There are over 2000 natural stone arches in the park, including the world famous Delicate Arch.

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Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon National Park is easily my favorite place on Earth, and one of those places that you'll find yourself questioning if you are still on Earth.

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Canyonlands NP

If I could only use one word to describe Canyonlands it would be VAST. Even with an ultra-wide lens, it's difficult to capture just how vast it is. And I've only made it to Island in the Sky, still much more to explore.

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Capitol Reef NP

Capitol Reef is the most overlooked national park in Utah, but it's worth the trip. You won't wonder why it's a national park after visiting.

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Zion (yes Zion, not Zions) National Park is one of the most visited parks in the entire county. The shear scale of the canyon and formations that create it are awe inspiring.

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